User:Karoke Cirno/sandbox 2
“birdwatching”一词首次记载是1712年威廉·欧兹沃思(William Oldsworth)的作品。而“birding”一词也曾用于代表捕鸟或用火器狩猎,例如莎士比亚的《温莎的风流妇人》中就有这样一句:“She laments sir... her husband goes this morning a-birding.”[3]如今,“birding”和“birdwatching”这两个词有时可以互换使用,不过某些人更倾向于使用“birding”,一定程度上因为这个词并没有将观鸟行为限制在视觉,而是包括了听觉享受。
——Birding,Volume 1, No.2
“twitching”是一个英式用语,表示“追寻曾经有过定位的稀有鸟类”的行为。在北美洲,一般被称作“chasing”。“twitcher”一词虽然有时会被误用为“birder”的同义词,但实际上是用来描述一类特定的人群,他们会长途跋涉只为一睹稀有鸟类,并且将这种鸟“tick”[註 1]或列入清单。[2][4]这个术语起源于1950年代,最初用来表示一位英国观鸟者霍华德·梅德赫斯特(Howard Medhurst)十分焦虑的行为。[5]早先会使用“pot-hunter”、“tally-hunter”或“tick-hunter”来描述那些追寻稀有鸟的人。这种行为的主要目的一般都是在个人清单上添加新物种。有些观鸟者会相互竞争,积累最长的物种清单。追寻鸟类的行为本身被称为“twitch”或“chase”。逗留时间较长,人们可以看到的稀有鸟会被描述为“twitchable”或“chaseable”。[2][6][4]
在英国、荷兰、丹麦、爱尔兰、芬兰、瑞典等国,追寻鸟类的行为有长足发展。这些国家面积不太大,因而可以较快地旅行全国,并且相对方便。英国最受欢迎的“twitch”活动曾吸引了大量人群;例如,约有2500人前往肯特郡观看一只原分布于北美的金翅虫森莺。[7]这个群体也发展出了其自有的用语。例如,没能看到稀有鸟的“twitcher”会被描述为“dipped out”;如果有其他人反而看到了,他们会感到“gripped off”。“suppression”表示对其他“twitcher”隐藏稀有鸟消息的行为。[2]
许多观鸟者都会有自己的鸟类清单,上面记录了这个人见过的所有物种,通常还会记录日期和地点。如果要将清单提交至美国观鸟协会,该协会则会对于鸟种记录的要求有明确规定;不过如果仅用于个人记录, 标准则十分主观。部分观鸟者会将通过聆听辨识的鸟类计数,而有的则只会记录通过视觉辨识的鸟种。有的人还会维护“国家清单(country list)”、“州清单(state list)”、“县清单(county list)”、“定点清单(yard list)[註 2]”、“年清单(year list)”等,或者上述清单的组合。
短语“bird watching”首次出现于埃德蒙·塞卢斯1901年所著《Bird Watching》一书的标题。[10]在北美,随着光学器材和野外识别指南的出现,曾被认为只能通过射杀识别鸟类的观念被打破。美国最早的野外指南是弗洛伦丝·梅里亚姆·贝莉于1889年所著的《Birds through an Opera Glass》。[11]
北美的观鸟于20世纪中期在东部沿海地区受到关注,这主要是受到勒德洛·格里斯科姆以及罗杰·托瑞·彼得森著作的影响。Neltje Blanchan1897年所著的早期观鸟书籍《Bird Neighbors》迈卖出了超过25万份,[12]其中的插画都是毛绒鸟玩具(stuffed birds?)的彩色照片。[13]
英国鸟类学基金会与美国鸟类学家联盟同样专注于依靠收藏进行分类研究。随后在1940年代,基金会将重心转移到了生态和行为研究。[16]基金会提出“有组织观鸟(organized birdwatching)”的运动遭到了英国皇家鸟类保护协会的反对,后者称他们并不乐见这种休闲活动的“科学化”。但1936年汤姆·哈里森及其他人接管皇家鸟类保护协会后,其立场发生了变化。哈里森在组织对凤头䴙䴘进行首次开创性的调查中发挥了重要作用。[17]
随着观鸟者机动性进一步增强,例如约翰·古德斯的《Where to Watch Birds》这种书最为畅销。[18]1960年代航空交通逐渐变得便利,长距离的度假目的地也开办起来。1965年时,英国的首个观鸟旅游公司“Ornitholidays”由劳伦斯·霍洛韦(Lawrence Holloway)创办。[19]长途旅行也导致了一些名称上的问题:英国的鸟类如“wheatear(䳭)”、“heron(鹭)”、“swallow(燕)”都需要加上形容词,来跟当地多种相似的物种做区分。[20]1980年代,航空旅行的花费持续降低,绝大多数人有了飞往遥远的目的地观鸟的可能。全球鸟类指引的需求在呢国家,从而催生的影响最大的项目之一就是《世界鸟类手册》,该项目是由约瑟夫·德尔奥约(Josep del Hoyo)、霍尔迪·萨加斯塔尔(Jordi Sargatal)、戴维·克里斯蒂(David A. Christie)和鸟类学家安迪·埃利奥特(Andy Elliott)在1990年代发起的。[21]
最初观鸟局限于英国和美国这样的发达国家,但自20世纪后半叶以来,越来越多发展中国家的观鸟爱好者参与到这项活动中来,例如埃塞俄比亚的Dogu'a Tembien。[22]跨国观鸟的活动发挥了重要作用,因为发展中国家的观鸟者一般都是在具有观鸟历史的外国文化影响下,才开始这项休闲活动。[23]大部分的跨国观鸟者都是中年男性,家境富裕,通常来自英语世界国家或斯堪的那维亚。[24]
20世纪时,北美洲的绝大多数观鸟活动都在东海岸。[25]1934年,罗杰·托里·彼得森(Roger Tory Peterson)出版的野外指南首次刺激了观鸟活动的发展。双筒望远镜这一观鸟的必备装备在二战后变得更为普及,使得这一爱好更加容易实现。而随着汽车的日益普及,长途跋涉去观赏稀有鸟类的活动也愈加常见。[26]
观鸟生态旅游公司同样促进了生态保护。Birding Ecotours同时提供国际旅行和国内旅行,并且会将至少10%的净利润捐赠给鸟类保护团体。[31]另一家旅行社Hardy Boat已向Project Puffin捐赠20万美元,以保护大西洋沿岸的海雀种群。 [31]
大多观鸟者主要观察当地鸟种(在其“local patch”(自留地?)观鸟[38]),但有时也会专门旅行去观看其他地区的鸟类。温带地区一年内观鸟最活跃的时段是春季或秋季的迁徙季,这段时间内能够看到最多样的鸟类。期间大量鸟类会向北或向南飞行,前往过冬地或繁殖地。清晨通常是更好的观鸟时间,因为鸟类相对活跃,而且借助鸣叫也更容易发现鸟类。
根据地点和季节的不同,如森林中的自留地?、湿地或海岸都可以是不错的观鸟点。Seawatching,或称“pelagic birding”,是观鸟的一种,观鸟者会前往海岸处的观鸟点(如海岬“headland”?),观看鸟类在海面上飞翔的场面。这也是一种远洋观鸟的形式,观鸟者也会乘坐海上船只寻找远洋鸟类。
- 大日(Big Day):各队伍有24小时的时间来识别尽可能多的鸟种。
- 大年:与大日类似,但参赛者可以是个人,而且需要做好投入大量时间金钱的准备。
- Big Sit或Big Stay:观鸟者必须在规定直径的圆形范围内观察鸟类(例如17英尺[44])。一旦看到鸟,观鸟者就可以离开圆形范围以便识别,但在圈外见到的新鸟种并不应记录。
- 圣诞数鸟活动:在12月14日至1月5日期间观察到尽量多的鸟类。
- World Series of Birding:一项年度观鸟竞赛,由新泽西奥杜邦学会组织。各队伍将在24小时的时间段内相互竞争,观察到最多数量的鸟种。
- Migration Madness:一个持续数月,为庆祝鸟类迁徙的节日。Migration Madness的特色是Birdathon。Birdathon为2024年5月任意时间都可以进行的竞赛,其目标为观察到尽量多的鸟种。
[编辑]![]() | 此section可能包含原创研究。 (2023年11月1日) |
观鸟常用的设备包括双筒望远镜、带有三脚架的鉴识望远镜、智能手机、笔记本、一本或多本图鉴等。为了隐蔽不惊动鸟类,获得更好的视野,通常会选择进入Hides (known as blinds in North America)或观察塔。几乎所有的光学制品制造商都会为观鸟活动提供专门的双筒望远镜,有些甚至整个品牌的客户定位即观鸟爱好者。
[编辑]As with the arrival of affordable digital cameras, the development of more compact and affordable digital video cameras has made them more attractive and accessible to the birding community. Cross-over, non-linear digital models now exist that take high-quality stills at acceptable resolutions, as well as being able to record and play audio and video. The ability to capture and reproduce not only the visual characteristics of a bird, but also its patterns of movement and its sound, has wide applications for birders in the field.
Portable media players
[编辑]This class of product includes devices that can play (and in some cases record) a range of digital media, typically video, audio and still image files. Many modern digital cameras, mobile phones, and camcorders can be classified as portable media players. With the ability to store and play large quantities of information, pocket-sized devices allow a full birding multimedia library to be taken into the field and mobile Internet access makes obtaining and transmitting information possible in near real time.
Remote birdwatching
[编辑]New technologies are allowing birdwatching activities to take place over the Internet, using robotic camera installations and mobile phones set up in remote wildlife areas. Projects such as CONE [1] allow users to observe and photograph birds over the web; similarly, robotic cameras set up in largely inhospitable areas are being used to attempt the first photographs of the rare ivory-billed woodpecker. These systems represent new technologies in the birdwatcher's toolkit.[47]
[编辑]In the early 1950s, the only way of communicating new bird sightings was through the postal system and it was generally too late for the recipients to act on the information. In 1953 James Ferguson-Lees began broadcasting rare bird news on the radio in Eric Simms' Countryside program but this did not catch on. In the 1960s people began using the telephone and some people became hubs for communication. In the 1970s some cafés, such as that in Cley, Norfolk run by Nancy Gull, became centers for meeting and communication. This was replaced by telephone hotline services such as "Birdline" and "Bird Information Service".[48]
With the advent of the World Wide Web, birders have been using the Internet to convey information; this can be via mailing lists, forums, bulletin-boards, web-based databases and other social media.[49][50] While most birding lists are geographic in scope, there are special-interest lists that cater to bird-identification, 'twitchers', seabirds and raptor enthusiasts to name but a few. Messages can range from the serious to trivial, notifying others of rarities, questioning the taxonomy or identification of a species, discussing field guides and other resources, asking for advice and guidance, or organizing groups to help save habitats.
Occasional postings are mentioned in academic journals and therefore can be a valuable resource for professional and amateur birders alike.[51][52] One of the oldest, Birdchat[53] (based in the US), probably has the most subscribers, followed by the English-language fork of Eurobirdnet,[54] Birding-Aus[55] from Australia, SABirdnet[56] from South Africa and Orientalbirding.[57]
Mobile applications
[编辑]The increasing availability of mobile devices in the 2010s allowed the smartphone to become a useful tool for birding. Mobile apps can be used as replacements for physical birding field guides, such as the digital version of the Sibley Guide to Birds and the official Audubon Society app.[58] Other apps utilize machine learning to automatically identifying birds from photographs and audio recordings, such as the Cornell Lab of Ornithology's Merlin Bird ID application and iNaturalist.[58][59]
Cornell Lab of Ornithology's eBird database is a popular tool used by birders to document their sightings. In addition to serving as a citizen science project used by ornithologists to document trends in bird populations,[60] it allows birders see recent reports by other birders and search by species and location.[61] Some species, including endangered species and others likely to be disrupted by increased human activity, are designated "sensitive species" by eBird and have locations of sightings hidden from the general public.[62]
Code of conduct
[编辑]As the numbers of birdwatchers increases, there is growing concern about the impact of birdwatching on the birds and their habitat. Birdwatching etiquette is evolving in response to this concern.[63] Some examples of birdwatching etiquette include promoting the welfare of birds and their environment, limiting use of photography, pishing and playback devices to mitigate stress caused to birds, maintaining a distance away from nests and nesting colonies, and respecting private property.[64]
The lack of definite evidence, except arguably in the form of photographs, makes birding records difficult to prove but birdwatchers strive to build trust in their identification.[65] One of the few major disputes was the case of the Hastings Rarities.
[编辑]Ethologist Nikolaas Tinbergen considers birdwatching to be an expression of the male hunting instinct, while Simon Baron-Cohen links it with a male tendency for "systemizing".[66] There have been suggestions that identification of birds may be a form of gaining status which has been compared with Kula valuables noted in Papua New Guinean cultures.[67]
A study of the motivations for birdwatching in New York concluded that initial motivations were largely similar in males and females, but males who participate actively in birding are more motivated by "sharing knowledge" with others, and active female birders are more motivated by their "intellectual" interest in studying birds, and by the "challenge" of identifying new and rare birds and improving their skills.[68] Another study suggested that males lean towards competitive birding, while females prefer recreational birdwatching.[69] While the representation of women has always been low,[70] it has been pointed out that nearly 90% of all birdwatchers in the United States are white, with only a few African Americans.[71] Other minority groups have formed organizations to support fellow birders, such as the Gay Birders Club[72] and Birding For All, formerly the Disabled Birders Association.[70][73]
The study of birdwatching has been of interest to students of the sociology of science.[74] People who have nature-based experiences report better well-being and lower psychological distress than those who do not, and birdwatching in particular was found to have higher gains in subjective well-being and more reduction in distress than more generic nature exposure, such as walks.[75][76]
Famous birdwatchers
[编辑]There are about 10,000 species of bird and only a small number of people have seen more than 7,000. Many birdwatchers have spent their entire lives trying to see all the bird species of the world.[77] The first person who started this is said to be Stuart Keith.[78]
Birders have been known to go to great lengths and some have lost their lives in the process. Phoebe Snetsinger spent her family inheritance travelling to various parts of the world while suffering from a malignant melanoma, surviving an attack and rape in New Guinea before dying in a road accident in Madagascar.[79] She saw as many as 8,400 species. The birdwatcher David Hunt who was leading a bird tour in Corbett National Park was killed by a tiger in February 1985.[80][81] In 1971, Ted Parker (who later died in an air crash in Ecuador) travelled around North America and saw 626 species.[82] This record was beaten by Kenn Kaufman in 1973 who travelled 69,000 miles and saw 671 species and spent less than a thousand dollars.[83]
In 2012, Tom Gullick, an Englishman who lives in Spain, became the first birdwatcher to log over 9,000 species.[84] In 2008, two British birders, Alan Davies and Ruth Miller, gave up their jobs, sold their home and put everything they owned into a year-long global birdwatching adventure about which they a wrote a book called The Biggest Twitch. They logged their 4,341st species on 31 December 2008, in Ecuador.[85] Noah Strycker recorded 6,042 species during 2015, overtaking Davies and Miller.[86] In 2016, Arjan Dwarshuis became the world-record holder for most species seen during the span of one year, logging 6,852 bird species in 40 countries.[87]
In early February of 2024, Peter Kaestner became the first birder to log over 10,000 species, a record surrounded by much controversy as he was initially claimed to be beaten by Jason Mann who later conceded defeated.[88]
Birdwatching literature, field guides and television programs have been popularized by birders such as Pete Dunne and Bill Oddie.
In media
[编辑]The 2011 film The Big Year depicted three birders competing in an American Birding Association Area big year, and the 2019 film Birders is a short documentary.
See also
[编辑]- Bird feeding
- Bird hide
- Bird migration
- Black Birders Week
- Butterfly watching
- Important Bird Area
- List of birding books
- List of ornithology journals
Similar activities
- American Birding Association
- Cornell Lab of Ornithology
- National Audubon Society
- Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
- World Series of Birding
- BirdLife Australia
[编辑]- ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Dunne, Pete. Pete Dunne on Bird Watching. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 2003. ISBN 978-0-395-90686-6. OCLC 50228297.
- ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Oddie, Bill. Bill Oddie's Little Black Bird Book. Frome & London: Butler & Tanner Ltd. 1980. ISBN 978-0-413-47820-7. OCLC 8960462.
- ^ Moss 2004:33
- ^ 4.0 4.1 Dooley, Sean. Anoraks to Zitting Cisticola. Allen & Unwin. 2007. ISBN 978-1-74175-272-4. OCLC 174092376.
- ^ Poole, Steven. Why the term 'twitch' ruffles feathers. The Guardian. 19 January 2019.
- ^ Law, John; Lynch, Michael. Lists, Field Guides, and the Descriptive Organization of Seeing: Birdwatching as an Exemplary Observational Activity. Human Studies. 1988, 11 (2/3): 271–303. ISSN 0163-8548. JSTOR 20009028. S2CID 144536028. doi:10.1007/BF00177306.
- ^ Dudley, Steve; Benton, Tim; Fraser, Peter; Ryan, John. Rare Birds Day by Day. T. & A. D. Poyser. 2010. ISBN 978-1-4081-3795-6.
- ^ Moss 2004:10
- ^ Moss 2004:72
- ^ Moss 2004:88
- ^ Barrow, Mark. A Passion for Birds. Princeton University Press. 1998: 156–157. ISBN 978-0-691-04402-6.
- ^ Shearin, Gloria. 2008. Neltje Blanchan. In: Patterson, D., Thompson, R., Bryson, S., et al., Early American Nature Writers. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, ISBN 0313346801. pp.62–69.
- ^ Dunlap, Thomas R. 2011. In the Field, Among the Feathered: A History of Birders & Their Guides, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0199734593. p. 47.
- ^ Moss 2004:104–106
- ^ Macdonald, H. What makes you a scientist is the way you look at things: ornithology and the observer 1930–1955. Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences. 2002, 33 (1): 53. doi:10.1016/S1369-8486(01)00034-6.
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- ^ Moss 2004:128
- ^ Moss 2004:233–234
- ^ Moss 2004:234–235
- ^ Moss 2004:250
- ^ Moss 2004:252–253
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- ^ Moss 2004:265
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- ^ Snetsinger, Phoebe. Birding on Borrowed Time. American Birding Association. 2003. ISBN 978-1-878788-41-2.
- ^ Breeden, Stanley; Wright, Belinda. Through the Tiger's Eyes: A Chronicle of India's Wildlife. Ten Speed Press. 1997: 173. ISBN 978-0-89815-847-2.
- ^ Hunt, David. Confessions of a Scilly Birdman. Croom Helm. 1985. ISBN 978-0-7099-3724-1. OCLC 12080015.
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- ^ McCarthy, Michael. World's greatest birdwatcher sets a new record. The Independent. 15 October 2012 [16 October 2012].
- ^ Davies, Alan; Miller, Ruth. The Biggest Twitch: Around the World in 4,000 Birds. A & C Black. 2010: 298. ISBN 978-1-4081-2387-4.
- ^ Strycker, Noah. Birding without Borders. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 2017: 255. ISBN 978-0-544-55814-4.
- ^ Dwarshuis, Arjan. The (Big) Year That Flew By. Chelsea Green Publishing. 2023: 228. ISBN 978-1-64502-191-9.
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[编辑]- Cocker, Mark. Birders: Tales of a Tribe. Grove Press. 2002. ISBN 0-871-13844-1.
- Lewis, Daniel. The Feathery Tribe: Robert Ridgway and the Modern Study of Birds. Yale University Press. 2012. ISBN 978-0-300-17552-3.
- Moss, Stephen. A Bird in the Bush: A Social History of Birdwatching. Aurum Press. 2004. ISBN 1-85410-993-6.
- Weidensaul, Scott. Of a Feather: A Brief History of Birding. Orlando: Harcourt. 2007. ISBN 978-0-151-01247-3.
External links
- 开放目录项目中的“Birding”
- All About Birds – Cornell Lab of Ornithology
- The Bird Wide Web – Non-commercial review site of online birding resources
- Birders, Banders, & Binoculars Video produced by Idaho Public Television
- A six-part History of Birding magazine, covering the period 1968–2006, appeared in Birding magazine in 2006:
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