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对抗条件反射作用 (又称为刺激替代)是功能分析英语Functional analysis (psychology)行为分析英语experimental analysis of behavior的原则之一,包含不需要行为的条件作用、反应转为想要行为的刺激或使用刺激关联积极行为。[1]假设一个训练的场景,在此场景中训练者将会使用当狗对刺激表现出焦虑或紧张时爱抚或使其平静的方法来制造积极反应。如此一来,积极反应将会与刺激关联起来。[2]



玛丽·琼斯是展现对抗条件反射过程有效性的第一人。在她的兔子实验中,她成功消除了一位小男孩对兔子的恐惧。兔子首先被放在离小男孩很远的地方,随后在小男孩吃他最喜欢的食物时被放置的越来越近。琼斯允许小男孩抚摸兔子与吃食物以减少他在触碰兔子的过程中所带来的焦慮。最终,小男孩得以在无恐惧兔子的情况下养育它。因为在此过程中,兔子所带来的不愉快和害怕的刺激被食物所带来的愉快刺激所取代。But Jones was not the only one working on this process of conditioning, J.B. Watson and R. Rayner suggested a process similar to that of Jones and also shortly after the rabbit experiments were published 巴甫洛夫 used a similar procedure for a dog that was agitated by his experiments.[3]



Counterconditioning is very similar to 消弱 seen in 古典制約. It is the process of getting rid of an unwanted response. But in counterconditioning, the unwanted response does not just disappear, it is replaced by a new, wanted response. "The conditioned stimulus is presented with the unconditioned英语unconditioned stimulus".[3] This also can be thought of as stimulus substitution. The weaker stimulus will be replaced by the stronger stimulus. When counterconditioning is successful, the process can not just be explained by simply substitution of a stimulus. It usually is explained by things such as conditioned inhibition英语Latent inhibition, habituation英语habituation, or extinction.[3]



It is a common treatment for 侵略 (社會科學), 恐惧, and 恐懼症. The use of counter conditioning is widely used for treatment in humans as well as animals. The most common goal is to decrease or increase the want or desire to the stimulus. One of the most widely used types of counter conditioning is systematic desensitization英语systematic desensitization. This technique uses muscle relaxation instead of food as the positive counter stimulus. The main goal in this treatment is to reduce fear to a certain feared stimulus.[3]


  1. Richard J. Gerrig and Philip G. Zimbardo start to the explain the process of counter conditioning it their article. Explaining the process with people along with animals such as dogs.
  2. Aaron E. Blaisdell, James C. Denniston, Hernan I. Savastano, and Ralph R. Miller were the authors of this article. This article explains the biological effects of conditioning and counter conditioning. They also show and explain the results of their experiments using the techniques of conditioning.
  3. Edward W. Craighead and Charles B. Nemeroff go into much detail about counter conditioning. They explain the differences between classical conditioning and counter conditioning and also explain how counter conditioning works. Along with the explanation of the process they tell how the process came about and who did the experiments leading to counter conditioning's discovery.


  1. ^ Gerrig, Richard J. & Philip G. Zimbardo. Psychology And Life. Pearson Education. 2002. 
  2. ^ Blaisdell, Aaron E.; James C. Denniston; Hernan I. Savastano; Ralph R. Miller. Counterconditioning of an Overshadowed Cue Attenuates Overshadowing (PDF). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes (The American Psychological Association, Inc.). 2000, 26 (1): 74–86. PMID 10650545. doi:10.1037/0097-7403.26.1.74. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2012-04-25). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Craighead, W. Edward; Charles B. Nemeroff. The Concise Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2004: 232.