西格里克(?- 415年8月22日)是一位西哥特國王,其僅在王位7天。該國前任君主阿陶爾夫在巴塞羅那宮殿的馬廄中被忠於薩魯斯的僕人刺殺。薩魯斯是哥特的貴族,也是阿陶爾夫的私敵,阿陶爾夫早些時候殺死了他。在阿陶爾夫被刺殺之後,薩魯斯派系的阿馬利違背哥特式繼承傳統,立刻立薩魯斯的兄弟西格里克為王。
在即王位後,西格里克謀殺了阿陶爾夫第一任妻子所生的孩子。他還迫使阿陶爾夫的遺孀加拉·普拉西提阿、羅馬皇帝狄奧多西一世的女兒和皇帝弗拉維烏斯·奧古斯都·霍諾留的妹妹步行超過12英里 After becoming the king, Sigeric murdered Ataulf's children by his first wife. He also forced , widow to Ataulf and daughter of Roman Emperor Theodosius and sister to Emperor Honorius to walk more than twelve miles on foot among the crowd of captives driven ahead of the mounted Sigeric. On the seventh day after his accession, Sigeric was assassinated and replaced him with Ataulf's relative, Wallia.[1]
Because Sigeric was an Amali, a member of a rival clan-based subgroup among the Visigoths to the Balti (of which Ataulf and Wallia were part), Sigeric is the only one who does not belong in the succession of kings usually labeled the Balti dynasty, if the kingship is defined by Balti dynastic connections. Due to this, as well as to the fact that his reign was a usurpation, and brief, Sigeric does not appear on some Visigothic king lists.
References and external links
[編輯]- Henry Bradley, The Goths: from the Earliest Times to the End of the Gothic Dominion in Spain. Second edition, 1883, New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, chapter 11.
- Edward Gibbon, History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, chapter 31
- ^ Olympiodorus Fragment 26
King Sigeric of the Visigoths 逝世於:415
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統治者頭銜 | ||
前任者: Ataulf |
King of the Visigoths 415 |
繼任者: Wallia |